Al-Anon Area 10 “Day of Workshops”
Service is a Growth Opportunity
Saturday, August 29th, 2020 (9:00am-2:00pm)
Virtual Meeting via Zoom, hosted by District 189 (South Broward)
Please join us for this Meeting by registering at
For questions or technical issues, please email
We will hear from our Area Delegate, Alternate Delegate, Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer,
Coordinators for Alateen, Group Records, Public Outreach, Archives, Literature, Webmaster,
(our wonderful Sunshiner) Newsletter and Spanish Program. They’ll tell us what they did,
what worked for them, what encourages them, what they learned and how they’ve grown.
This is a “We program”, We are “Florida South” & We say, “Service is a Growth Opportunity!”
Al-Anon’s 4th Concept: Participation is the key to harmony.